1999 Calendar of Events


Third Triennial Vietnam Symposium, April 15-17, 1999
Agenda and Schedule for the Symposium (As of March 16, 1999)


The Vietnam Center will hold its Third Triennial Vietnam Symposium at Texas Tech University, April 15-17, 1999. The conference, celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Vietnam Center and Vietnam Archive, will cover a variety of scholar topics on the United States and allied involvement in the Vietnam War as well as topics relating to Cambodia and Laos.

A General call for papers has been issued for the symposium. Topics for papers can include any topic relating to Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, or the involvement of the United States or any other nations in the Vietnam War. Papers representing all points of view are welcome. Time period for papers may include pre-war Indochina, aftermath of the war, veterans' topics, POW/MIA or any other relevant topic. Papers relating to Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian history, culture and language are also encouraged. It is the Vietnam Center's established policy to encourage active participation by graduate students; proposals by them will receive favorable consideration. Individual interested in presenting papers are encouraged to submit a one page outline proposal to Dr. James R. Reckner at The Vietnam Center; Texas Tech University; Mathematics Building,
Room 004; Lubbock, TX 79409-1045

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