Browse the Oral Histories in the Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
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- Interview with John Abbott
- Item #: OH1112
- In this interview, John Abbott discusses his experiences in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. Abbott served as an advisor with Mobile Advisory Team I-28 and later with Mobile Advisory Team I-20 in 1971. (open complete record)
- Interview with Theodore Acheson
- Item #: OH0291
- Ted Acheson Collection (Department of the Army Special Photographic Office (DASPO))
- (USA) Theodore T. Acheson, originally from Flint, Michigan served in the U.S. Army from 1967 until 1969. As a member of the Department of the Army Special Photographic Office (DASPO) based out of Hawaii, Ted first went to Southeast Asia in late 1967 TDY to Bangkok, Thailand where he documented on f... (open complete record)
- Interview with Richard Robert Ackerman
- Item #: OH0474
- Length: 48:24 hr/min/sec
- Interview conducted by Philip F. Napoli, Ph.D. (open complete record)
- Interview with Jubal Ackerson
- Item #: OH1231
- Jubal Ackerson discusses his experiences as a CIA dependent in Southeast Asia. Ackerson spent time in Saigon as a child in 1963 and later spent two years in Bangkok, Thailand. Ackerson later returned to Thailand from 1971 to 1973 and went to school in Udorn with other American dependents, including ... (open complete record)
- Interview with Stanley D. Adams
- Item #: OH0836
- Length: 06:02:54 hr/min/sec
- Stanley Adams discusses his experiences as part of the U.S. Navy's River Assault Flotilla One, Task Force Alpha and later Task Force Bravo, November 1968 to August 1969. Adams was wounded in combat and returned home for extensive medical treatment. He later became a veterans' advocate in his home st... (open complete record)
- Interview with David E. Adcock
- Item #: OH0666
- Length: 02:52:10 hr/min/sec
- David Adcock shares his experiences serving in Vietnam with C Company, 1st/7th, 1st Cavalry Division from June 1967 to June 1968. He was an RTO for the mortar platoon during the Tet Offensive of 1968 in the area of Hue and Phu Bai. (open complete record)
- Interview with Phil Adelman
- Item #: OH0919
- Length: 06:25:00 hr/min/sec
- In this interview Lt. Col. Phil Adelman (USAF, ret.) discusses his experiences in Vietnam as a C-130 pilot with the 39th Rescue and Recovery Squadron. Adelman served in Vietnam from June 1969 through June 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Guadalupe Aguilera
- Item #: OH0902
- Length: 04:31:00 hr/min/sec
- In this interview, Guadalupe Aguilera discusses his experiences as a machinegunner with Echo Company, 2/5 Marines, in Vietnam, 1968-1969. (open complete record)
- Interview with Pete Agur
- Item #: OH1135
- Pete Agur discusses his tour of duty in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. Agur served as a helicopter pilot with the 155th Assault Helicopter Company, November 1968 to November 1969. (open complete record)
- Interview with Steven Aigner
- Item #: OH0921
- Length: 05:17:20 hr/min/sec
- Steven Aigner discusses his experiences in Vietnam as a C-123 pilot. Aigner flew as a part of the Operation Ranch Hand defoliation mission from May 1966 through December 1966. (open complete record)
- Interview with Kay Merkel Boruff
- Item #: OH1338
- Air America Association Collection
- Kay Merkel Boruff discusses her experiences in Southeast Asia as part of the Air America community. Merkel Boruff's husband Jon Merkel, an Air America pilot was killed in a helicopter crash in February 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Don Aird
- Item #: OH0888
- Length: 02:47:27 hr/min/sec
- Don Aird discusses his experiences in Vietnam, January 1970-March 1971. Aird served in the fire direction center with C Company, 1st Battalion, 83rd Field Artillery. Aird's unit provided artillery support for FSB Ripcord, as well as numerous other engagements. (open complete record)
- Interview with Doug Aitken
- Item #: OH1363
- Doug Aitken discusses his experiences in Vietnam with the U.S. Air Force. Aitken served as a Rustic Forward Air Controller, 1971-1972, flying missions supporting Cambodian forces against the Khmer Rouge. (open complete record)
- Interview with Future Akins
- Item #: OH0330
- Future Akins Collection
- Length: 3:20:41 hr/min/sec
- (USAF) Future Akins was born in Hampton VA in 1950 to USAF LTCOL Dudley S. and Geraldine Akins. Future holds two degrees from Texas Tech University and has been a member of its Fine Arts faculty. LTCOL Akins was a Texas native who became an Army Air Corps fighter pilot during World War II. He was ... (open complete record)
- Interview with John Akins
- Item #: OH0918
- John Akins Collection
- Length: 03:04:08 hr/min/sec
- John Akins discusses his tour in Vietnam as a member of the U.S. Marine Corps. Akins arrived in Vietnam in February 1968, served at Khe Sanh, and then spent the remainder of his tour as a member of Combined Action Platoons. He served in CAP 1-1-1, 1-1-7, and 1-1-6. (open complete record)
- Interview with Jack Albertson
- Item #: OH0090
- Jack Albertson Collection
- Length: 4:14:02 hr/min/sec
- Interview conducted by Stephen Maxner. (open complete record)
- Interview with William Albracht
- Item #: OH1080
- William "Hawk" Albracht discusses his experiences in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. Albracht served with 5th Special Forces Group, August 1969 to August 1970, notably at the siege of Firebase Kate, as well as the Battle of Dak Seang and the siege of Bu Prang. (open complete record)
- Interview with Raoul Henri Alcala
- Item #: OH0932
- In this interview Col. Raoul Alcala (U.S. Army, ret.) discusses his experiences as an armor officer with Troop A, 3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry, and squadron headquarters, as well as his time with the 9th Infantry Division Operations section, December 1966 through November 1967. Alcala participated in O... (open complete record)
- Interview with Abel Aleman
- Item #: OH0719
- Length: 03:34:06 hr/min/sec
- Abel Aleman discusses his experiences with the 23rd (Americal) Division in I Corps from 1968-1969. Aleman served as a rifleman and later as a squad leader in South Vietnam. (open complete record)
- Interview with Jim Alexander
- Item #: OH0774
- Length: 03:34:28 hr/min/sec
- In this interview Jim Alexander describes his experiences as a point man with 4/3 Infantry of the Americal Division. He served in-country from October of 1969 until he was wounded on April 15, 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Richard A. Alexander
- Item #: OH0925
- Length: 01:30:41 hr/min/sec
- In this interview Lt. Col. Richard A. Alexander (USAF, ret.) discusses his experiences as a C-133 pilot, and later as a member of the 12th Air Commando Squadron in Vietnam. In his full tour with the 12th ACS from 1968-1969, Alexander served as a pilot for Operation Ranch Hand defoliation missions. (open complete record)
- Interview with Martin Alexander
- Item #: OH0917
- Length: 04:48:41 hr/min/sec
- In this interview, Martin Alexander discusses his two tours of duty in the Vietnam War. Alexander served as a UH-1 gunship crewchief with the 187th Assault Helicopter Company in 1967 and with the 190th Assault Helicopter Company, 1967-1968. Alexander returned for a second tour, serving as a gunship ... (open complete record)
- Interview with Doris (Lucki) I. Allen
- Item #: OH0408
- Length: 4:37:32 hr/min/sec
- (open complete record)
- Interview with Charles Allen, Jr.
- Item #: OH0613
- Length: 1:23:35 hr/min/sec
- Charles Allen, Jr. discusses his experiences as an artillery officer with the 1st Marine Division in the Que Son Valley from 1969-1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Jesse L. Alley, Jr.
- Item #: OH0460
- Length: 1:09:43 hr/min/sec
- Interview conducted by John R. Milam, Ph.D. (open complete record)
- Interview with Colonel Gerald Allgood
- Item #: OH0138
- Col. Gerald Allgood Collection
- Length: 02:39:53 hr/min/sec
- (USA) Interview conducted by Stephen Maxner. (open complete record)
- Interview with Terry Allison
- Item #: OH1319
- Length: 01:05:14 hr/min/sec
- (open complete record)
- Interview with Alfred Alvarez
- Item #: OH0614
- Alfred Alvarez Collection
- Length: 2:36:59 hr/min/sec
- Alfred Alvarez discusses his experineces with the First Cavalry Division as a door gunner, crew chief, and flight engineer in a Chinook helicopter. Mr. Alvarez was involved in the Battle of Dak To, November 1967, as well as in the Battle of Hue during the Tet Offensive 1968, serving with the 228th A... (open complete record)
- Interview with Ray Ambrozak
- Item #: OH0929
- In this interview Ray Ambrozak discusses his experiences in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. Ambrozak was involved with psychological operations in Laos, Vietnam, South Korea, and Taiwan, and from 1966-1967 served with the 6th Psychological Operations Battlion in Vietnam. Ambrozak returned to Vietnam fro... (open complete record)
- Interview with Edwin Anderson
- Item #: OH0924
- Length: 03:37:01 hr/min/sec
- Col. Edwin M. Anderson, Jr. (USAF, ret.) discusses his tour of duty in Vietnam as a member of the U.S. Air Force. Anderson served as a lead pilot and targeting officer as part of the defoliation mission, Operation Ranch Hand, from July 1969 to July 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with William Anderson
- Item #: OH0064
- Length: 01:12:50 hr/min/sec
- (USAF) William Anderson was born in Meadville, PA. He enlisted in the United States Air Force in 1951 and served as a F-86 Gun-sight mechanic until 1952 when he entered pilot training. He graduated and received his commission as a 2LT in September 1953. After serving as an instructor pilot for three... (open complete record)
- Interview with COL Tal Anderson
- Item #: OH1330
- Length: 03:58:59 hr/min/sec
- COL Anderson discusses his life and Army career including his service in Vietnam as a staff officer with the Headquarters, 9th Infantry Division in Dong Tam in 1968-1969. (open complete record)
- Interview with John Anderson
- Item #: OH1114
- John Anderson discusses his tour of duty in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. Anderson served as a fixed-wing pilot with 2nd Platoon, 183rd Reconnaissance Aviation Company, May 1969 to May 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Harold C. Anderson
- Item #: OH0510
- Harold C. Anderson Collection
- Length: 2:22:01 hr/min/sec
- (USA) Harold C. Anderson was born May 22, 1916. He joined the United States Army January 23, 1941. He served in the 124th Cavalry in Texas during World War II, and with the MARS Task Force in the China-Burma-India Theater in 1944-45. He made a brief flight into northern French Indochina in 1945. His... (open complete record)
- Interview with Andrew Antippas
- Item #: OH0766
- Andrew Antippas Collection
- (open complete record)
- Interview with Dale Antram
- Item #: OH1213
- Dale Antram discusses his experiences in A Company, 2nd Battalion, 145th Infantry of the Ohio National Guard, 1966 to 1972. Notably, Antram was present at Kent State University during the protests and shootings of May 4, 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with Marilyn Antram
- Item #: OH1221
- Marilyn Antram discusses her experiences during the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on the social and political issues of the era. Antram is the spouse of Dale Antram (OH1213), former Ohio National Guardsman who served during the Kent State Protests of May 1970. (open complete record)
- Interview with John Arick
- Item #: OH0268
- John C. Arick Collection
- Length: 8:05:09 hr/min/sec
- (USMC) John C. Arick, originally from Washington, D.C., served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1962 until 1992 and retired a Brigadier General. He is a 1962 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis. John served two tours in Southeast Asia. During the first, from 1966 to 1967, he was station... (open complete record)
- Interview with Jonathan Arries
- Item #: OH1432
- Jonathan Arries discusses the life of his brother, PFC James Michael Arries (USMC), who was killed on 1 April 1967. (open complete record)
- Interview with Theron Ray Arrington
- Item #: OH1289
- Length: 01:25:54 hr/min/sec
- Mr. Arrington discusses his life, including his two tours in Vietnam flying the L19 "BirdDog" with the 219th Aviation Company in 1966 and both the Kiowa and Huey helicopters in 1969 with the 220th Aviation Company in 1969. (open complete record)
- Interview with Philip Arsenault
- Item #: OH1216
- Philip Arsenault discusses his experiences in Vietnam with the U.S. Army. Arsenault served with the 145th Aviation Battalion as a mail clerk, and then with the 118th Aviation Company as a doorgunner, November 1964 to May 1966. During his second tour Arsenault served as non-commissioned officer in ch... (open complete record)
- Interview with Harold Austin
- Item #: OH0861
- Harold R. Austin Collection
- Length: 03:53:13 hr/min/sec
- Col. Harold 'Hal' Austin (USAF, ret.) discusses his experiences as a pilot and commander. Austin joined the U.S. Army in 1943 and then the U.S. Air Force where he served as a pilot extensively throughout the Cold War. Austin participated in the Berlin Airlift, worked with Strategic Air Command, and ... (open complete record)
- Interview with Ernie Ayala
- Item #: OH0974
- Ernie Ayala discusses his experiences as a sentry dog handler in South Vietnam with the 212th Military Police Company, 18th Military Police Brigade, July 1967-July 1968. (open complete record)
- Interview with David R. Ayres
- Item #: OH0939
- David R. Ayres Collection
- David Ayres (USN, ret.) discusses his experiences with VAH-10 and the USS Constellation off Yankee Station, June-October 1964. Ayres later served on the staff of COMOPTEVFOR, then as engineering director of NAVPRO, Long Beach with Douglas Aircraft, and finally with Naval Material Command before reti... (open complete record)
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
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