China Press
(Survey China Mainland Press, Current Background, Selections from Magazines, Extracts From China Publications and JPRS Reports)
The China Press Collection consists of five groups of materials relating to the political, economic, social and cultural aspects of the People's Republic of China. The first part, Survey China Mainland Press examines the various aspects of the newsprint media in the PRC. Current Background provides reference-type material for events and people in the PRC. Selections From Magazines examines the major PRC publications while Extracts From China Publications offers duplications of the materials above and lesser known print. Researchers should examine box 16 first for indices to these publications for the years 1960-1968. The JRPS Reports cover a variety of topics and titles are listed in the finding aid below. Most of the material is of a political or economic nature. There are approximately 18 linear feet of material in the China Press collection with coverage from 1958-1969 and the following breakdown: Survey China Mainland Press (10.5 linear feet) 1959-1969, Current Background (2 linear feet) 1958-1969, Selections From Magazines (2.5 linear feet) 1960-1969, Extracts From China Publications (1 linear foot) 1960-1964) and JRPS Reports (2 linear feet) 1958-1961
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -