"1970-1971: Nixon, Discord, and the US Withdrawal from Vietnam"
April 9-10, 2021
Lubbock, Texas
Zoom Webinar
(Please view the agenda for session registrations.)
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive (VNCA) and the Institute for Peace & Conflict (IPAC) at Texas Tech University are pleased to announce a Vietnam War conference focused on the years 1970 and 1971. This conference will approach a wide range of historical events and topics by hosting presenters who examine diplomatic, military, international, regional, and domestic aspects of the Vietnam War. We also seek presentations that reflect the recent and emerging scholarship on the policies, strategies, and decisions of President Nixon, General Abrams, and their advisors and deputies as they sought to bring about a successful conclusion to the Vietnam War. At the same time, 1970 and 1971 were years of major domestic discord inside the United States, including the shootings at Kent State University, the Hard Hat Riot in New York City, the Mayday Action in 1971, among various antiwar and anti-draft protests. Additional areas of interest include major combat operations such as the Battle of Fire Support Base Ripcord as well as the political, strategic, and tactical decision-making to expand the war into Cambodia with the Cambodian Incursion and into Laos with Operation Tailwind and Lam Son 719. We also encourage presentations that examine the social and religious aspects of the war, the effect of journalism and reporting on the war, and the efforts to end the conflict through international diplomacy.
Videos of the sessions can be found here.
The 2021 Conference Agenda is now available online and Download.
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -