Resource Guide Pages
Robert S. McNamara: Finding Aids
Finding Aids describe whole collections, usually including a box or folder level inventory of the documents. They are a good way to quickly find large caches of documents on a single subject. To find individual documents, search the Virtual Archive using the keywords suggested on the introduction page.
Below is a list of finding aids and collection descriptions. Click on Open Finding Aid to view the complete finding aid.
- Collection #024
- Larry Berman Collection (Presidential Archives Research)
- Collection Size: 26.0 ft.
- Approximately 52 linear feet of documents collected by Larry Berman from Presidential archives, including the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library, and the National Archives document various aspects of Presidential and United States' policies during the Vietnam Conflict. Documents have a date ran... (more)
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- Collection #025
- Larry Berman Collection (Westmoreland v. CBS)
- Collection Size: 12.0 ft.
- Approximately 18 linear feet of manuscript documents detail various aspects of the 1984 libel case filed by William C. Westmoreland against the CBS Inc., et al. The date range of this material is from 1967-1985, though the vast majority of the collection comes from the period 1982-1985. The docume... (more)
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- Collection #038
- Dr. Calvin Chapman Collection
- Collection Size: 4.0 ft.
- Over four linear feet of documents, books, photographs, slides, maps, posters, museum objects, moving images, audio, newsletters and periodicals document the service of Calvin Chapman as a medical doctor during his tour-of-duty in Vietnam with the U.S. Air Force as the Commander of 3rd Tactical Di... (more)
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- Collection #041
- Central Intelligence Agency Collection
- Collection Size: 8.0 ft.
- Eight linear feet of declassified documents of the United States Central Intelligence Agency document the Vietnam War, Vietnam, and Southeast Asia. The date range is from 1959 to 1987 (bulk 1962-1973). They contain situation reports of South Vietnam and Laos, (some monthly, others weekly); intelli... (more)
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- Collection #056
- United States Congressional Documents Collection
- Collection Size: 3.0 ft.
- The Congressional Documents Collection contains Congress and House of Representative reprints of committee reports, hearings and special sessions on a variety of topics. The material has been taken from a variety of sources though the base collection came from the Douglas Pike Collection donated t... (more)
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- Collection #077
- William Duiker Collection
- Collection Size: 3.5 ft.
- The collection consists of approximately 3.5 linear feet of books, periodicals, articles and manuscript documents detailing Dr. William Duiker's research on Ho Chi Minh, as well as various aspects of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people during and after the Vietnam Conflict. All materials range from th... (more)
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- Collection #1254
- Van Michael Davidson Collection
- Collection Size: 4.0 ft.
- Van Michael Davidson served as an advisor in Vietnam from July 1970 to June 1971. The collection consists of documents, photographs, serials, newspapers and a framed Viet Cong flag document. Documents include photocopies of articles and news clippings, correspondence with Secretary of the Navy James... (more)
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- Collection #1351
- John B. O'Donnell Collection
- Collection Size: 1.5 ft.
- Far East Training Center papers, United States Agency for International Development papers, Revolutionary Development and Rural Construction papers, Southeast Asia Development Advisory Group papers, Vietnam Information Notes from the United States Department of State, University of California Librar... (more)
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- Collection #180
- Douglas Pike Collection: Other Manuscripts - Cartoons
- Collection Size: 1.0 ft.
- The Cartoon Section of the Douglas Pike Collection consists mostly of political cartoons related to the Vietnam War. Many of the cartoons are from the period of the war itself, but some are post-1975 including the 1990s. The cartoons are organized topically, with by far the largest division being t... (more)
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- Collection #1969
- James Banerian Collection
- Collection Size: 0.7 ft.
- Less than one linear foot of periodicals, articles, photographs, and a book document a variety of post Vietnam War issues particularly the activities of the Viet Kieu after the war. Also included is a new translation of the classical Vietnamese poem called 'Kieu' by Nguyen Du, translated by James B... (more)
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- Collection #213
- Douglas Pike Collection: Unit 02 - Military Operations
- Collection Size: 31.0 ft.
- The contents of this unit are reportorial in nature covering the day to day events of the war from the perspective of combat operations. The tone of these materials is to relate what happened on the battlefields of Vietnam with little analysis as to why certain policies were followed or how success... (more)
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- Collection #328
- Vietnam Veterans Institute Collection
- Collection Size: 5.0 ft.
- Approximately five linear feet of materials detail the various issues associated with the Vietnam Veterans Institute. The collection is divided into five categories: Administrative Files, Individual Files, Life Time Service Award, Conferences and General Files. The Administrative Files section co... (more)
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- Collection #350
- William Prochnau Westmoreland v. CBS Collection
- Collection Size: 18.0 ft.
- Approximately 18 linear feet of microfilm, oral histories, correspondence, legal documents, book articles, military administrative documents, articles, transcripts, and other miscellaneous documents detail the 1984 William Westmoreland v. CBS libel case. The materials range in date from 1967 to 198... (more)
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- Collection #573
- Curtis Peoples Collection
- Collection Size: 4.0 ft.
- Less than one linear foot of documents, and research material regarding Malaya, strategic hamlets, and Vietnamese villages from Peoples' Master of Arts thesis, camcorder video tapes, maps, books, negatives from a trip to Vietnam made by Peoples in 2000, 2 CD-ROMs (173rd Infantry Brigade Reunion and ... (more)
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- Collection #621
- Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. Collection: General Correspondence
- The general correspondence series is one of the largest in Admiral Zumwalt's collection with approximately 18 linear feet of material. This series contains various formats, including type written letters, faxes, memorandums, thank you cards, and phone messages. The majority of correspondence is to ... (more)
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- Collection #631
- Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr. Collection: Texas Tech University
- Collection Size: 2.0 ft.
- This series is 2 linear feet. The majority of the collection is correspondence between Admiral Zumwalt and faculty and staff at Texas Tech University. Much of the material is associated with The Vietnam Archive and the Biological Warfare. Also, there are some materials about Admiral Zumwalt's Hono... (more)
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Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -