Selected Bibliography: Tet Offensive

The books on this page are from the Vietnam Archive and Texas Tech University Library’s collections.

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  • Allison, William Thomas The Tet Offensive: A Brief History with Documents New York: Routledge 2008 DS557.8 .T4 A52 2008
  • Arnold, James R. Tet Offensive 1968: Turning Point in Vietnam London: Osprey 1990 DS557.7 .A76 1990
  • Birdwell, Dwight W. A Hundred Miles of Bad Road: an Armored Cavalryman in Vietnam 1976 – 1968 Novato: Presisio 1997 DS559.5 .B5 1997
  • Braestrup, Peter Big Story: how the American Press and Television Reported and Interpreted the Crisis of Tet 1968 in Vietnam and Washington Novato: Presidio 1994 DS557.8 .T4 B7 1994
  • Burke, Tracey The Tet Offensive, January – April 1968 New York: Gallery Books 1988 DS557.8 .T4 B87 1988
  • Callahan, Shawn P. Close Air Support and the Battle for Khe Sanh Quantico: History Division, Marine Corps University 2009 Gov Docs D 214.14/3:K 52
  • Clarke, Bruce B. G. Expendable Warriors: the Battle of Khe Sanh and the Vietnam War Westport: Praeger Security International 2007 DS557.8 .K5 C56 2007
  • Corbett, John West Kickens Avenue: a Marine at Khe Sanh New York: Ballantine 2004 DS557.8 .K5 C67 2004
  • Davis, Bill Tet Marine: an Autobiography San Diego: W. J. Davis 1987 DS557.8 .T4 D38 1987
  • Dix, Drew The Rescue of River City Fairbanks: Drew Dix Pub. 2000 DS559.5 .D597 2000
  • Ewing, Michael Khe Sanh New York: Bantam Books 1987 DS557.8 .K5 E95 1987
  • Ford, Ronnie E. Tet 1968: Understanding the Surprise London: F. Cass 1995 DS557.8 .T4 F67 1995
  • Fensch, Thomas (Ed.) Top Secret: the Vietnam War: Confidential Files on the Siege and Loss of Khe Sanh The Woodlands: New Century Books 2001 DS557.8 .K5 T66 2001
  • Gilbert, Marc Jason and Head, William (Ed.) The Tet Offensive Westport: Praeger 1996 DS557.8 .T4 T47 1996
  • Hammel, Eric M. Fire in the Streets: the Battle for Hue, Tet 1968 New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group 1991 DS557.8 .H83 H36 1991
  • Hammel, Eric M. Khe Sanh: Siege in the Clouds: an Oral History New York: Ibooks 2004 DS557.8 .K5 H36 2004
  • Helm, Glenn E. The Tet 1968 Offensive: a Failure of Allied Intelligence 1989 AC803 .H478 T47 1989
  • Hồ, Khang The Tết Mậu Thân 1968 event in South VietnamHà Nội: Thế Giới, 2001 DS557.8 .T4 H613 2001
  • Krohn, Charles A. The Lost Battalion of Tet: Breakout of the 2/12th Cavalry at Hue Annapolis: Naval Institute Press 2008 DS558.4 .K76 2008
  • Lanier, Berneice A Rooster at Tet Huntington: University Editions 1998 DS559.5 .L36 1998
  • Murphy, Edward F. The Hill fights: the First Battle of Khe Sanh New York: Ballantine Books 2004 DS557.8 .K5 M87 2004
  • Nalty, Bernard C. Air Power and the fight for Khe Sanh Washington, D.C.: Office of Air Force History 1986 DS557.8 .K5 N34 1986
  • Nolan, Kieth William Battle for Hue: Tet 1968 Novato: Presisio Press 1996 DS557.8 .H83 N64 1996
  • Nolan, Kieth William The Battle for Saigon: Tet 1968 New York: Pocket Books 1996 DS558.8 .N65 1996
  • Oberdorfer, Don Tet!: the Turning Point in the Vietnam War Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 2001 DS557.8 .T4 O24 2001
  • Pisor, Robert The End of the Line: the Siege of Khe Sanh New York: Ballantine Books 1983 DS557.8 .K5 P57 1983
  • Prados, John Valley of Decision: the Siege of Khe Sanh New York: Dell Publishing 1993 DS557.8 .K5 P72 1993
  • Schmitz, David F. The Tet Offensive: Politics, War and Public Opinion Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield 2005 DS557.8 .T4 S39 2005
  • Schulimson, Jack Tet – 1968 Toronto: Bantam Books 1988 DS557.8 .T4 S58 1988
  • Shore, Moyers S. The Battle for Khe Sanh Washington: Historical Branch, G-3 Division, Headquarters, U. S. Marine Corps 1969 DS557.8 .K5 S56 1969
  • Smith, George W. The Siege at Hue New York: Ballantine Books 2000 DS557.8 .H83 S65 2000
  • Son, Pham Van The Viet Cong “Tet” Offensive 1968 Print and Publications Center 1969 DS557.8 .T4 C8613 1968
  • Stubbe, Ray W. Bibliography on Khe Sanh: USMC Participation Washington, D. C.: U. S. Marine Corps Historical Center 1985 Gov Docs D214.13:V71
  • Tourison, Jr., Sedgwick D. (trans) Stubbe, Ray William (Ed.) B5-T8 in 48 QXD: the Secret Official History of the North Vietnamse Army of the Siege at Khe Sanh, Vietnam, Spring 1968 Wauwautosa: Ray W. Stubbe 2006 DS557.8 .K5 B5 2006
  • Warr, Nicholas Phase Line Green: the Battle for Hue, 1968 New York: Ballantine Books 1999 DS557.8 .H83 W37 1999
  • Willbanks, James H. The Tet Offensive: A Concise History New York: Columbia University Press 2007 DS557.8 .T4 2007
  • Wirtz, James J. The Tet Offensive: Intelligence Failure in War Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1991 DS557.8 .T4 W57 1991
  • Wirtz, James J. Explaining an Instance of Intrawar Intelligence Failure: the American Military’s Response to the 1968 Tet Offensive 1989 AC803 .W799 E97 1989